星期四, 5月 18, 2006

在上海聽玉卿嫂--懷張弘毅 (Listening To "Jade Love" In Shanghai – In Memory Of Chang Hung-Yi)

Photo:His gray hair is shown at the bottom-left corner…

06-5-13 張釗維
06-5-13 Chang, Zhao Wei

剛剛聽到這消息.....心中波濤洶湧.....非常清楚記得四月的那 個晚上, 平生第一次跟張弘毅見面,在上海新天地的"透明思考"餐廳. 張弘毅在這裡擔任新民樂的總監, 已經兩年多, 準備把他的後半生獻給這裡以及這項音樂.我們來,是為了一個電視節目,希望安排拍攝新民樂. 張弘毅跟師母幾乎每個晚上都會在餐廳的某個角落,聆聽與觀賞台上年輕樂手的演出,思考還有哪些可以調整改進的地方.
Just heard about the news…. It brings so much turmoil in my heart…I can still remember vividly that particular night back in April when I first met Chang Hung-Yi at TMSK restaurant, in Shanghai Xin-Tian-Di Plaza. Chang Hung-Yi had been the musical supervisor of the TMSK new folk music for two years already. He planned to dedicate the rest of his life here and to this music. The purpose of our visit was to make arrangement for filming the TMSK new folk music for a TV production. Chang Hung-Yi, with his wife, could be seen almost nightly, at some corner of the restaurant. He was there to listen and to watch the young musicians’ stage performance, and to make adjustments and improvements wherever he could find.

這些樂手,都是上海首屈一指的傳統音樂表演者;張弘毅告訴我,要訓練這群年輕的樂手並不容易. 中國大陸近年來快速的發展,讓年輕人都流於浮躁,"必須把他們拉回來一點"; 當中有一把電吉他,"花了很多時間,才讓他不會飆得太離譜." 花白著頭髮,低沉著嗓音,張弘毅這麼說. 因而透明思考的新民樂不是另外一個女子十二樂坊. 它不張牙舞爪,不扭腰擺臀; 樂手們身著唐裝各自挺立在舞台上,但還保持各自的個性: 彈三弦的男孩,留著跟周杰倫一樣的髮型,看起來也跟周杰倫一樣酷; 彈古箏的女孩,手指飛揚的同時,臉上一直笑意不斷. 顯然她非常享受這樣的演出. 而他們所挺立的舞台, 後面是一幅巨大的牡丹蘇?, 前台則罩了一層薄薄的黑紗, 樂手們如雕像, 在幕後驟然彈唱出蘇杭小調或是平板快書, 配合著餐廳昏暗的琉璃燈光,那景象與氛圍,直如陳逸飛的油畫.
All these performers are the best players of Chinese traditional music in Shanghai. Chang Hung-Yi told me that it was quite a challenge to train these young musicians. Because of the rapid development in China in recent years, the youngsters tend to become restless; “I have to bring them back a little bit.” One of the performances who plays the electrical guitar, “takes quite a bit of time to get him not ad-libbing too much,” said Chang Hung-Yi, with a head of gray hair, in a low-thick voice. And as a result, TMSK new folk music is not another 12-Girls Band. The performers do not make striking gestures, wiggle their bellies, or twist their hips; instead they all dressed in Tong-Jong(1) and stand still on the stage, but each with their own personalities. The boy who plays San-Xian(2) wears the same hairdo as Jay Chow, and is as cool as Jay Chow. The girl who plays Gu-Zheng(3) always puts on a smile on her face while her fingers are dancing in the air; apparently she is truly enjoying the performance. Behind the stage where they stand, a huge piece of Su-Zhou style embroidery of peonies is set as the background, whereas the front of the stage is draped with a thin black veil. The musicians, like sculptures in such a setting, suddenly play the new music of Su-Hang ditty or Ping-Ban-Kuai-Shu(4) from behind the veil, with the dim lights from the LIU-LI crystals in the restaurant, the scenes and atmosphere are like the oil paintings of Chen Yi-Fei(5).

我可以感覺到,在這裡,張弘毅跟琉璃工房正在釀造著一種需要時間的沉靜. 而這沉靜,正是當代華人社會所最缺乏的文化元素. 在暮年之際移居上海, 張弘毅心中,恐怕還有一番宏圖大志, 我估計, 那是要以現代的方式來接續與發揚近兩百年來飽受太平天國戰火,帝國主義殖民以及大小戰爭摧殘殆盡的江南文人音樂. 如此這般的胸中丘豁, 絕對不是台灣的"衝衝衝"以及中國大陸的一切向錢看所能輕易領會的.
I can sense that, in here, Chang Hung-Yi and LIU-LI-GONG-FANG are brewing a kind of silence that requires time. And this silence is the desperately needed missing cultural element in the present Chinese society. Moving to Shanghai in his later life, Chang Hung-Yi must be contemplating some grand aspirations. Based on my assessment, he wants to use the modern approach to continue and exalt the music of Jiang-Nan scholars that has been devastated into extinction by the destructions of the Tai-Ping Heavenly Kingdom, imperialistic colonialism, and countless warfare during the last two hundred years. Such an idealism and ambition is absolutely beyond the comprehension of those with Taiwanese’s “rush-rush-rush” mentality or with the Chinese’s dogma of “money is everything.”

思及此, 舞台上忽然悠悠傳來熟悉的旋律."是玉卿嫂...."
On this moment of my thoughts, came the familiar melody flowing from the stage; “It’s the theme song from the movie “Jade Love”….”

我驚嘆.幽遠而不空泛,纏綿而不膩味, 情緒飽滿而有節制, 像是一片緩慢起伏的大海,暗暗地,有力地抽動著心緒 .在異鄉聽到這久未聽到的曲子, 直如白居易在長安聽到琵琶行,臉上盡力維持平靜,但心中卻早已波濤洶湧. 但不知,老家在山東,也在高雄的張弘毅,心裡頭是一番怎樣的景象? 在他剛毅的臉龐上, 我看不出來.
I exclaimed, the music sounded so far away but not vacuous, lingering but not boring, filled with emotion yet disciplined; it was like a spread of slowly waving ocean, stealthily and stoutly twitching the inner emotions. Hearing this tune that I hadn’t heard for a long time while in a foreign place, it was like poet Bai Ju-Yi overheard the tune of “’Journey of Pi-Pa” in Chian-An. Although striving to maintain my composure outwardly, my heart was already filled with emotions. I couldn’t figure out what was in Chang Hung-Yi’s mind at that moment; he came originally from Sang-Dong, also from Kaohsiung. I really couldn’t tell by looking at his steadfast face.

結束之後,我跟張弘毅在新天地熙來攘往的廣場上抽煙. 有導遊舉著旗,帶著旅行團觀賞坐在戶外喝星巴克咖啡的東方人與西方人. 吐了一口煙, 他跟我說, 他不喜歡吵鬧, 因此跟師母住在上海的郊區. 我們約定五月下旬的時候回來拍攝, 之後, 分手, 在上海七彩的夜空中.
After the performance, Chang Hung-Yi and I went for a smoke in the concourse of Xin-Tian-Di Plaza that was bustling with activity. A tour guide with a raising flag was showing his group around. Enjoying the sights of the Orientals and Westerners who were sitting at the patio with Starbucks coffee, exhaling smoke, he told me that he didn’t like noisy place; that was why he and his wife chose to live in the suburbs of Shanghai. We agreed on the filming to be set at the end of May. Afterwards, we said good-bye under the colorful night of Shanghai.

而就在剛剛,聽到了張弘毅心臟病發,過世的消息. 啊~~~~~ 跟他一起聆聽"玉卿嫂", 已成絕響~~唉, 萬分萬分感傷~~
Just now, I heard about the news of Chang Hung-Yi’s passing away, from a heart attack. Oh~~~~~. The possibility of listening to "Jade Love" with him again has forever vanished. ~~~~ Alas, extremely, extremely sadden.

1 Tong-Jong :Traditional Chinese costumes
2 San-Xian: three-stringed banjo/fiddle
3 Gu-Zheng: Chinese zither/harp
4 Ping-Ban-Kuai-Shu: Variation in tempo and dynamics
5 Chen Yi-Fei: An international renowned Chinese artist



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